Monday, April 5, 2010

Module Construction How-To Update 2

As you can see, it's been almost a month and I still have not gotten around to the module project. For a guy with a wife, 2 kids, a full time job and about a million other things to do, you'd think I'd find one hobby and stick to it. But no, not me! I guess I'm an over-achiever when it comes to my interests. And this is why, along with the other things mentioned, I have not been able to work on this yet. On top of all that, I'm going to have to possibly join other millions of American's and look for a new job, or at least some kind of safety net in case my current job folds, which by the Grace of God hope it doesn't.

God has been looking out for us since the economy has taken a downward spiral, and my family and I are VERY thankful for that. So, I have faith that He has something waiting for me around the corner, I just have to figure out which corner it is, I guess. Because frankly, even though I don't make tons of money, my job has "perks" that you wouldn't believe. I make decent money, could be more but it's enough to support my family, I get to spend pretty much unlimited time with my wife and kids, we can take vacations 2-3 times a year or more, I have a great schedule and either work from home, in the office or on a job depending on where I'm needed. I do work that I love and had always wanted to do, in more than one area. I'm the mechanic, general contractor, "truck driver", I get paid to travel, our health care is very inexpensive (for now, thanks Obama). I was getting paid to go to school to learn a new trade and school was paid for. And somewhat free use of any company vehicle when I need it. Perks than anyone would love.

Sorry for the . . .  . .praise. Not really much of an update is it?

I will plan to build this new module in about 5 weeks when we get back from Myrtle Beach. So please check back then.


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