Sunday, October 17, 2010

More Great Videos!

Thanks to Tim Moran from Western Reserve Free-mo in NE Ohio for suggesting these vid's.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Scenery Has Started

After building my modules some 5+ years ago, I've finally started on the scenery. And would you believe, I've been in this hobby for over 25 years and this is the first time I have ever gotten to where I could add scenery and details? So, I haven't actually put anything I've learned over the years in action until now. So, if the work looks flawed, besides the obvious patches you'll see in the pic's, you now know why. My biggest issue was with the plaster cloth soaking up the matte medium, so I'll do another application after the first dries.

The next step will be to add ground cover to my other 3 modules but I have to touch up the ballast after I buy more. Then I will add trees, bushes, pavement, etc.

Here are a few shots I took after bringing the module back in the garage. In the overhead shot, you'll see green on the track, but that was just what came from the top of the hill in the top left corner.

This shows my failed attempt at zip texturing. The yellow powder paint balled up while mixing. I need a sifter, I think.

My first attempt at color washes on plaster castings. And you can see where the ground foam didn't stick.

Transition from the rails is zip texture, earth  and green blend.

Upper right shows where the ground cover didn't stick. Also, where the foam is still bare I will be adding a gas station.

Awesome Video of a Working Coal Dumper

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tri-County Modular Railroaders

Well, I did it. I am in the beginning stages of starting a new model railroad club. My last attempt with the Ohio Valley Free-Mo group would have worked out if I first, didn't try to cover such a large area for membership. Three states was a little ambitious for someone new to Free-Mo and heading a model railroad group. And second, if I had more time to dedicate to a large group and money to spend on my modules, things would have turned out better. So, I turned it over to someone else in the Cincinnati area, but have not seen much, if any, progress from the group.

This time around, I will be starting smaller with trying to gain membership through local hobby shops, my families churches, and so on. So, hopefully this goes well. Please spread the word and find us on Facebook at the Tri-County Modular Railroaders page. The group is open to anyone interested in HO modular model railroading built to Free-mo standards.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thoughts Are Going Again

Well, even though my first attempt didn't take off like I hoped, I think I might try to put together another Free-mo type group. More on this later as I process the thoughts more.
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Dayton NMRA Div. 3 Train Show November 6 & 7

Just a short reminder post that the Dayton NMRA Div. 3 show is coming up in a few weeks. Visit for more info.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Great Video From MRH Featuring Free-Mo Modules

As I was going through some of my YouTube subscriptions, I came across this video from the 2010 National Train Show in Milwaukee. It features a Free-Mo set-up with over 100+ modules.

Finally, fall is here!

Well, this is just an update actually. It's 7:30am and I've been awake since about 4:45am. So, I figured I would post to one of my blogs to get my brain to stop going 100 miles a minute, as usual.

First off, our dog has been found. Ashley's mom found him a few doors down a couple days after he took off. He was safe, fed and they even gave him a bath! As a thank you we gave them a gift from DLM (Dorothy Lane Market).

I have also started a new job. I am now working at the Walmart DC in Washington Courthouse as an order filler. So far it's a great job with plenty of places to go if I want. I've been there since 8/31/10. My schedule works for me pretty well too, M-F 4pm to 12:30am, even though I haven't seen an 8 hour shift since day one. But, the pay still makes up for that.

And lastly, I haven't forgotten about the module building. As time allows, I expect to start here in the next few weeks and build it over the weekend or before I go to work during the week. I will also have my son get involved as much as a 3 1/2 year old can. He helped with building his mommy's craft cabinets, so he can help with drill operations :-) .

Ok, that's all for now. Maybe I can sleep now before i have to get up in about 3 hours.

Happy model railroading!
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